Some advice to follow before coming to Cambodia

If you read this post you will see that I tried to put forward some points that could be helpful to you if come to your notice while in Cambodia. Most of the time visits to Cambodia happened without any trouble. However public order can be easily broken. Travelers should know about the global risk of random terrorist attacks. These are often goes against civilian targets. The attacks are prominent even at the places frequented by foreigners. The greatest risks for travelers can also come from road traffic accidents. Armed robbery after daylight is another thing of tension. Another important thing is landmines and unexploded ordnance in some of the rural areas.

It is advisable that the travelers should get the information about the risk of robbery and also other crime while visiting Cambodia. Sexual offences are also included in the list. The victimized places are Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. The situation becomes worst after dark. All should take sensible precautions at that time. Travelers should also be careful against bag snatchers and petty pickpockets. When traveling around the different places in cities, just be careful about your belongings.

In Cambodia very recently outbreaks of bird flu have resulted in a small number of human dead. So, as a precaution it can be stated that travellers should avoid to visit live animal markets and also poultry farms. They also avoid visiting the some other places where they may come into close proximity with caged, domestic, or wild birds. Poultry and egg dishes should be thoroughly cooked.

Foreign & Commonwealth Office in the UK provide the information and based on that these advices are given to the travelers. Base on the changing situation it can be advised to the travelers to contact British Foreign and Commonwealth Office for latest travel advice.

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